释义 |
differentiation and integration 美/ ?d?f??ren?i?e??n ?nd ??nt??ɡre??n / 1 ?微积分 ...S F.7 MS_Plan M 新高中数学(必修部份) 新高中数学(必修部份) 统计学(Statistics) 微积分(Differentiation and Integration) 统计学(Statistics) 微积分(Differentiation and Integration) 5 Vincent Kong BSc, MSc(MatheMati cS), PoStgraduate di PloMa... 2 ?微分与积分 微分与积分(Differentiation and integration) x(t)←→X(jω),则dx(t)/dt←→jωX(jω) x(t)的不定积分←→(1/jω)X(jω)+πX(0)δ(ω),右边的冲激函数反映了积分产生的直流... 3 ?化与整合 或者说是 研究多变的环境中管理组织的分化与整合(differentiation and integration) 问题。 因此 ,该书当属组织理 论的研究成果 ,其对环境的分析 ,也是为企业的组织形式或组织结构设计这一“功能性”管理服务的。
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With the merger, the '3 Zones' will benefit from both differentiation and integration. - 2
Numerical differentiation and integration is covered in depth, with particular emphasis on the error and convergence analysis. 数值微分和积分部分将有较深入讨论,并强调误差和收敛性分析。 - 3
Of, relating to, or being operations or sequences of operations, such as differentiation and integration, when applied to only one of several variables at a time. 属于,关于或是微积分等的运算或运算过程,一次仅适用于几个变量中的一个。