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1 ?示差筛选 ... phage display - 噬菌体展示[将抗体或肽表位展 differential screening - 示差筛选 affinity purification - 亲和纯化(法) ... 2 ?差示筛选 名词定义中文名称:差示筛选英文名称:differential screening定义:用比较组织细胞间基因或其表达产物(如RNA、蛋白质等)的不同而筛选特异性目的物的方法。以筛选细胞特异性表达基因为例,可先建立目的细胞的cDNA文库,分别用 3 ?差异筛选 ...2007年博士论文 MART cDNA synthesis和SSH技术,构建哮喘时EOS相关基因消减cDNA文库,测序、通过差异筛选(Differential Screening,DS)对部分阳性克隆进行筛选验证,并进行同源性对比分析。 2. 4 ?通过差异筛选 ...2007年博士论文 MART cDNA synthesis和SSH技术,构建哮喘时EOS相关基因消减cDNA文库,测序、通过差异筛选(Differential Screening,DS)对部分阳性克隆进行筛选验证,并进行同源性对比分析。 2.
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Results four positive clones of differential screening were picked out for sequencing. Homology analysis indicated that all of the four clone sequences were the same as that of insulin-I gene. 结果挑选了4个差异筛选的阳性克隆进行测序,序列同源性分析表明它们均与胰岛素- i基因序列高度一致。 - 2
Conclu - sion Trace blood sugar appearance is accurate, quick, can be used for differential diagnosis, Monitoring self blood sugar for diabetes patients, screening and censusing diabetes. 结论微量血糖仪准确、快捷,可用于急诊的鉴别诊断,糖尿病患者自我血糖监测、糖尿病筛选及普查。 - 3
Conclusions Some DNA replication, and damage repair genes associated with benzene poisoning show differential expression, which provides the basis for screening biomarkers of benzene poisoning. 结论苯中毒患者外周血白细胞的DNA复制及损伤修复基因与正常人相比存在差异性表达,为进一步筛选苯中毒生物标志物提供了依据。