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宇宙,宇宙 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
The Universe or cosmos is a complete entity unfolding in time, and it is Absolute, by which Schelling means nothingness is not part of its nature. 全世界或者宇宙是一个完整的整体在时间中展开,这就是绝对,通过这个谢林认为虚无不是自然的一部分。 - 2
The glassy orb, an image of the world or the cosmos, makes you think of Leonardo's scientific research and his philosophy of the microcosm of the human being within the macrocosm of the universe. 基督手中的玻璃球,一个代表世界或宇宙的形象,让你想起达·芬奇在科学方面的探索,想起他对于宏观宇宙之中的人类的思考,想起他的人生哲学。 - 3
Such expansion was precisely what our universe did in the Big Bang, when it suddenly exploded from a tiny clump of matter into a fully-fledged cosmos. 这种膨胀正好就是我们的宇宙在大爆炸时期所发生的事情,当时一小块物质膨胀成了现在成熟的宇宙。