释义 |
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Women who aren't ready for cosmetic injections constantly ask me to recommend a skin cream that really works. 那些不愿意做美容注射的女子经常让我推荐一款有效的面霜。 - 2
Currently the company's products, including eye shadow, Sai Hong, Face Powders and lipstick, skin, eyelashes cream, nail polish, portfolio cosmetic sets, and market various new popular cosmetics. 目前公司生产的产品包括眼影、腮红、粉饼、口红、唇彩、睫毛膏、指甲油、组合化妆品套装,以及市场流行的各类新型化妆品。 - 3
In addition, including foundation cream, dye, lipstick, rouge, nail polish, eye shadow and other decorative cosmetics, but also because it takes too long to affect cosmetic results. 另外,包括粉底霜、色粉、唇膏、胭脂、指甲油、眼影等装饰性化妆品,也可因时间过久而影响美容效果。