释义 |
银行支票存款 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?本票存款 ... money market deposit account 货币市场存款帐户; 货币市场存款账户 velocity of deposit money 存款货币流通速度 bank check deposit 本票存款 ...
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This technique seems to be very easy to be aware, but if this year has not been reviewed to identify, after all, unless the bank deposit journal check, it is difficult to find. 这种手法看起来非常容易被察觉,但如果本年内未曾复核查明,以后除非再全部检查银行存款日记账,否则很难发现。 - 2
Nor the number of times the same amount of money in a bank may be checked against, if I pay you back with a check and you deposit it in the same bank and draw against it again. 如果我用支票偿还这10美元,而你从同一家银行将其兑现,则同样一笔钱在银行中通过支票兑现的次数与财富的数量也没有联系。 - 3
Cash shall include but not be limited to banknote, coin, bank deposit, bank draft and traveler 'check. 现金包括但不仅仅限于纸钞、硬币、银行存款、银行汇票和旅行支票。