释义 |
1 ?不对位裁切 ... 不施胶纸张 , Waterleaf 不对位裁切 , Cutting ahead 不对称平衡 , Asymmetrical balance ...
- 1
The government intends to go ahead with its tax cutting plans. - 2
The summit comes two months ahead of a key meeting in the Danish capital, Copenhagen, aimed at approving a global treaty on cutting carbon emissions. 此次峰会召开于丹麦首都哥本哈根即将举行的重要会议之前,目的在于达成一项减少碳排放的全球条约。 - 3
Both companies then headed towards Salt Lake City, cutting many corners (including building shoddy Bridges or sections of track that would have to be rebuilt later) in their race to get ahead. 于是两家公司都向盐湖城进发,他们截弯取直,包括修筑劣质桥梁和一些将来要重修的铁轨,以期能够在竞争中领先。