释义 |
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When I cut off your supply of bread, ten women will be able to bake your bread in one oven, and they will dole out the bread by weight. 我要折断你们的杖,就是断绝你们的粮.那时,必有十个女人在一个炉子给你们烤饼,按分量秤给你们; - 2
Another favourite life hack published on social media is to place an oven-proof jug of water with two lemons cut in half inside your microwave. 社交媒体上还有另外一个最受喜爱的生活小窍门,拿两个柠檬,每个切两半,放进微波炉适用的罐子里,里面加满水,放进微波炉。 - 3
Don't need to seal box, make transfer person can see after made, microwave oven, oven can cut a hole to let a person see the items in the versions. 不必封盒,使转移者能看见微波炉、烤箱装臬后,割开一孔让人能看见馐内的物品。