释义 |
- (织机)停止工作:指由于梭子未能进入箱子而导致织机停止正常运转。
1 2 ?立刻 ... bang up 弄伤 bang off 立刻(马上) with a bang 大大地(热气腾腾地)...
- 1
You know, on World of Warcraft, there's 70 now going-on 80 levels You can bang off the first levels in an afternoon 9 But to get from level 68 to 69 some people get stuck for a week All right? 你们知道,在魔兽世界中有70个0,现有80个现行级别,你们一个下午就可以,砰砰地打到第一级,但是从68级到69级9,有人可能会被卡一周,对吧? - 2
The gun went off with a bang. - 3
We'll start off with a bang and move on to the basic laws of the universe, before hitting evolution. Finally, we'll tackle some headier material, delving into the realm of quantum physics. 我们以大爆炸理论为起点,继而谈到宇宙基本规律,再触及人类进化,并最终着眼于较为深奥的问题,深入至量子物理学领域。