释义 |
1 ?送让契 ... 家庭协议书(遗产处理一般根据法例规定) Deed of Family Arrangement 送让契 Deed of Gift 公契 Deed of Mutual Covenant ... 2 ?赠与契据 法律上,「赠与契据(deed of gift)是有效证明 (…… 3 ?赠与证书 ... deed of covenant 契约证书 deed of gift 赠与证书 deed of indemnity 赔偿契据 ... 4 ?送赠契 客气,客气现行楼宇买卖方法有好多种, 送契楼即送赠契(Deed of Gift)是最唔好的一种, 因送赠契有以下限别制:-1. 此楼宇不可在3年内卖, 否则税局会计税;及2.
- 1
I swear to you, father, Marguerite knew nothing of this deed of gift. - 2
On the evening before the ceremony, Mrs. Meloney had shown her the deed of gift. 举行赠礼仪式的头一天晚上,麦隆内夫人把赠予证书给她看了。 - 3
I did not tell Marguerite what I had decided, for I was quite convinced that she would refuse to accept my deed of gift. 我瞒着玛格·丽特作了这样的安排。因为我深信她一定会拒绝这笔赠与的。