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奔驰,卡尔 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
It is usually agreed that a German, Karl Benz, built the first motor car in 1885. 人们通常认为是德国人卡尔·本茨在1885年制造了第一辆汽车。 - 2
Karl Benz was the first to build a commercial auto, but Ford revolutionized the car business with the assembly line, which led to faster production and lower costs. 卡尔·本茨是制造商用汽车的第一人,但福特用加快生产降低成本的装配线彻底革新了汽车行业。 - 3
Not long after, the two partners went their separate ways and Karl Benz started a company of his own. 不久两个人拆伙,卡尔。本茨建立了属于我自己的公司。