释义 |
1 ?腐蚀监测 多通道腐蚀数据采集系统开发和应用 关键词 : 腐蚀监测 ; 阴极保护 ; 阴极保护电位 ; 海洋结构 [gap=947]Keywords: corrosion monitoring, cathode protection, CP potential, offshore structure 2 ?电阻探针腐蚀监测仪 电阻探针腐蚀监测仪 电阻探针腐蚀监测仪(Corrosion Monitoring) 型号:CST4..
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Corrosion monitoring of buried pipelines is one of the important activities in the relevant industries. 埋地钢质管道腐蚀检测及防护是相关行业工作中的重要内容。 - 2
The principles of on-line corrosion monitoring technology, method, and typical application are discussed, and significance of on-line corrosion monitoring is described. 文章对在线腐蚀监测技术的原理、方法以及典型的应用进行了阐述,说明了在线腐蚀监测的意义。 - 3
As all mentioned above, FEM can optimize cathodic protection system, enhance the precision of corrosion monitoring, evaluate corrosion status and study the law of corrosion. 此计算方法对于优化阴极保护系统,提高腐蚀监测精度和技术、评价腐蚀状况、研究腐蚀规律具有重要作用。