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1 [数]?控制集 2) Span 则利用控制集 ( dominating set) 的方 法,将 Ad Hoc网络中的部分结点定义为控制结点, 这些结点在电能充足的情况下不会进入睡眠模式, 而其余结点在无通信任务时处... 2 ?支配集 支配集(dominating set):,满足对于,有,.即一个点集,使得所有其他点至少有一个相邻点在集合里.
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Minimizing retransmission nodes in broadcasting is equivalent to minimizing connected dominating set in graph theory, and finding a minimum connected dominating set is NP-complete for graphs. 广播过程中最小化参与转发节点数问题与图论中求解最小连通支配集问题等价,而在任意图中求解最小连通支配集是NP完全问题。 - 2
The node that can logically communicate with the nodes in other clusters has the ability to be gateway, and the set of these nodes is defined as gateway dominating set relative to cluster-head. 逻辑上能和其他簇内节点通信的节点都可以做网关,这些节点相对于簇首节点称为网关支配集。