释义 |
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According to the survey released recently, Master Kong holds a dominant position in China's instant noodle market, with nearly 70 percent of pot noodles sold in the country by this brand. 根据最近发布的调查表明,康师傅在中国方便面市场占主导地位,这个牌子的杯面在国家的销售额占70%。 - 2
In contrast, if we look at normal recessions, where the country is not at war, is on the gold standard, and where Keynesian policy is not dominant, we find a much different story. 与之相反,如果我们观察发生在和平时期、金本位制度下、凯恩斯主义还未上升为主流时的正常衰退,我们会发现完全不同的事实。 - 3
Seven years later, the 4,300 German forces guarding the north Afghan sector constitute the third-largest foreign contingent in the country, after Britain's 9,000 and America's dominant 55,000. 七年过去了,如今守卫阿富汗北部地区的4300名德军士兵是驻扎在这个国家的第三大海外军团,仅排在拥有9000名士兵的英军和55000人的美军之后。