释义 |
- 顾客所有权:指购买或使用某个企业(如公用事业)的产品或商品的人部分或全部拥有该企业的所有权。
1 ?顾客拥有 苹果的顾客拥有(Customer Ownership)和极高的利润率代表其供货商的营运利润很低。 2 ?顾客归属 直效营销 消费者最新购买趋势,并确认潜在客户 课程纲要 顾客关系管理(CRM) - 如何获得并留住客户 - 顾客归属(Customer Ownership,CO) 行销观 - 直效行销的运作 差异化行销(Differential Marketing,DFM) -
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They retain customer ownership, which allows them to remarket to customers over and over and over. 他们保留着客户的所有权,从而得以在他们身上一遍又一遍地进行重复销售。 - 2
"We said, we want our stores to create an ownership experience for the customer, " explained (Apple's Ron) Johnson. 我们希望我们的店子能创造一种让顾客感到归属感的氛围。 - 3
"We said, we want our stores to create an ownership experience for the customer," explained (Apple's Ron) Johnson. 我们希望我们的店子能创造一种让顾客感到归属感的氛围。