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1 ?顾客方格 依据推销方格,利用顾客所关心的两个目标建立起另外一个方格,这就是所谓“顾客方格”(Customer Grid),如图2-4所示。顾客方格图中的纵坐标表示顾客对推销人员的关心程度,横坐标表示顾客对购买的关心程度。 2 ?顾客方格理论 - '''顾客方格理论 (customer grid )''' + '''顾客方格理论 (Customer Grid )''' 3 ?顾客隔距 ... 顾客特许v Customer franchise 顾客隔距 Customer grid 顾客群 Customer groups ...
- 1
The list is shown as a grid, with columns for an ID, the name of the customer, the active date, and the deleted flag. 这个列表显示为一个网格,包含 4 列:ID,客户姓名、激活日期和删除标记。 - 2
The list is a grid, with columns for an id, name of the customer, active date, and the deleted flag. 列表是一个网格,其中列为ID、用户名称、活动日期及删除标志。 - 3
The Grid control provides a few nice features, such as pagination, sorting and hiding of columns, and customer rendering. Grid控件提供几个出色的特性,比如分页、列的排序和隐藏以及定制呈现方式。