释义 |
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In my memory, grandmother was old, wrinkled, and bent, she had short hair, and her nose was big. 记忆中,祖母很老,满脸皱纹,驼着背,她留着短发,鼻子很大。 - 2
Ai Tuanjie bent closer and went on, "you know, Lao Zhou said your nose is artificial." 艾团结弯下腰,凑过身去说:“你知道,老朱说你的鼻子是假的。” - 3
Suddenly, I saw a dustman bent down to doing, approached a look, see his hair disheveled, small without god's eyes, flat nose, disproportionately in a wrinkled face. 忽然,我看到前面有个清洁工弯腰不知在干什么,走近一看,只见他头发蓬乱,细小无神的眼睛,塌的鼻子,不成比例地镶在一张皱巴巴的脸上。