释义 |
- v.掺假,掺杂:在食品、饮料或药品中加入低质量或有害的物质,降低其质量或纯度。
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机械工程 掺假 Results All the five kinds of milk were eligible in the aspect of physical and chemic character. All the results of alcohol test, adulterate test, preservative test, antibiotics test, Brucella test and mastitis test were negative. 结果5种鲜乳的感官、物理和化学性状正常,酒精检验阴性,无掺假、防腐剂和抗生素,无牛布鲁菌病,无乳房炎乳。 掺杂 Researchers discover that adulterate technic can enhance catalyses efficiency, TiO_2 complex material is a hotspot nowadays. 近年研究发现,利用掺杂技术可提高TiO_2光催化活性。 纳米TiO_2复合光催化材料已成为光催化研究领域的热点之一。
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化学 掺杂 Researchers discover that adulterate technic can enhance catalyses efficiency, TiO_2 complex material is a hotspot nowadays. 近年研究发现,利用掺杂技术可提高TiO_2光催化活性。 纳米TiO_2复合光催化材料已成为光催化研究领域的热点之一。