硕士论文-上海交通大学-超声及CT新技术对儿童川崎病冠状动脉病变的诊断及心功能评估 - docin.com豆丁网 mm。②冠状动脉扩张:冠状动脉轻度损害,内径增宽,5 岁以下冠状动脉内径 > 3 . 0 mm。③冠状动脉瘤(Co r o n a r y a n e u r y s m ,CAA):冠状动脉相应部位出现近似球形、 12 梭囊状或串珠样扩张、边界清楚的液状无回声,冠状动脉主干在 4
Kawasaki disease is featured by wide polyangitis, especially that of cardiovascular system is most severe, which can form coronary arteriectasis and coronaryaneurysm.
Kawasaki disease(KD) is featured by wide polyangitis, especially that of cardiovascular system is most severe, which can form coronary arteriectasis and coronaryaneurysm.
Smoking also creates a higher risk for peripheral artery disease and aortic aneurysm. It increases the risk of recurrent coronary heart disease after bypass surgery, too.