... 经常收入 current receipts 经常移转current transfers 本期权数 current weight ...
... cash transfers 现金调拨 current transfers当时转让; 经常性转移支付; 转让 duties on transfers 过关税 ...
...efer to: Current account: goods; services; income; current transfers; Capital and financial account a. 资本转让;非生产、非财务资产的买卖 As regards doubtful account reserves, beginning balance prepared at current period, amount recovered an...
If they started imitating China by imposing restrictions on capital transfers, China would lose some of its current advantages.
This forces the transfers to be serialized by the MFC itself, so it will always wait until the current conversion is finished being PUT into system storage before GETting more data into the buffer.
这会强制传输由 MFC 本身进行序列化,因此总会等待,直到当前的转换被 PUT 到系统存储中,然后才会 GET 更多数据到缓冲区中。
An organized approach that consolidates and transfers these lessons to rapidly urbanizing countries can lock in systemic benefits for current and future generations.