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"Whenever you have a failure it causes a company to search for solutions and when you search for solutions it puts you as an executive in a different mindset, a more open mindset," said Prof Desai. “只要你在工作中遭遇到失败,公司机构便会责成你想方设法寻找失败的原因,拿出解决问题的方法,当你在寻找解决问题的方法的时候,你便会以一个全新思路对待手头上的问题,这一全新思路,会使你的茅塞顿开,境界更加开阔,”赛教授说。 - 2
"If you look at an area like Door County, they have issues with pollution in the air, but not the industries that produce it, " Desai said. 如果你看看道尔镇社区,他们存在空气污染的问题,但并不是因为当地工业制造了这些污染。 - 3
Changes in the lake winds may also play out over neighboring land, Desai says, possibly in the way Superior drives fall's lake-effect snowstorms. 湖上的风的变化也许影响到周围的陆地,德赛说,苏必利尔湖可能会以某种方式在秋天产生湖边效应雪灾。