释义 |
- 贬义词:指用于贬低或侮辱某个人、群体或事物的词语。
1 ?贬义词 凡俗是一个贬义词(Derogatory term),是自甘堕落的呈现,更是没有深远倾向和探索的借端。你年轻时种下什么,老年时就收获什么。 2 ?贬词 ... 被动词汇 passive vocabulary 贬词 derogatory term; expression of censure 宾词 predicate ... 3 ?贬 样 的 ,前 者 是 贬 义 词 ( derogatory term) ,仅 仅 沿 袭 了 后 者 的 理 据 。 4 ?鄙称 ... 鄙 to scorn; rustic; mean; low; to despise; base 鄙称 derogatory term 鄙称 derogatory term ...
- 1
You remember, when I was younger was a great talented derogatory term. - 2
Corner is also called the "corners", derogatory term, is narrow, remote, the meaning of poverty. 墙角也叫“旮旯”,贬义词,是狭窄、偏僻、贫穷的意思。 - 3
"Despite its prevalence, 'pets' is surely a derogatory term both of the animals concerned and their human carers," the editorial claims. 文章这样写道,“尽管'宠物'这个词已经被广泛使用,但不论对动物还是它们的人类照顾者来说,这个词确实是贬义的”。