释义 |
1 ?由…组成 ... form n. 形状, 外形, 形式, 表格 be formed of 由…组成 passers-by 合成词构成复数是一般在前面加复数 ...
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Unlike Oceanic islands that were once part of continental landmasses, islands formed by such geological processes as volcanism contain only plants and animals that could be transported there. 与曾经是大陆性陆地的一部分的海洋岛屿不同,由火山作用等地质过程形成的岛屿只包含可以被运输到那里的动植物。 - 2
It's possible that if the jarosite on Mars was also formed with the help of microorganisms, we might be able to detect remnants of them in the samples we find. 如果火星上的黄钾铁矾也是在微生物的帮助下形成的,我们就有可能在所找到的样品中发现它们的残留物。 - 3
In this process, sedimentary rocks that originally formed on the seabed may be folded upwards to altitudes of more than 26,000 feet. 在这个过程中,最初形成于海床上的沉积岩可能会向上折叠到26000英尺以上的高度。