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- [化学] 固化;(肉、鱼等的)[食品] 腌制,调制;医治;食物加工法
- cure变形
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化学 固化 In this aspect, UV curing technology is considered to be the very alternative. 引入光固化技术,开发光固化粉末涂料被认为是解决这一难题的最好方法。 硫化 It was foundthat the curing rate of the alloy increased, the scorchtime and the apparent activation energy of the alloydecreased with the increase of Zn(MAA)2 loading. 结果表明,随着Zn(MAA)2用量的增大,合金的硫化速度提高,焦烧时间缩短,表观活化能下降。 熟化 治愈 自愈 消除;食品加工
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机械工程 固化 Curing behaviors and kinetics analysis of PWF were examined by DSCand TG. 采用动态DSC、TG技术研究了PWF的固化特性及其动力学。 腌制 Many meat products,in particular the production of western-style ham will adopt a rolling massage technique which can promote hair color,speed up the curing and improve the texture and so on. 滚揉是很多肉制品,特别是西式火腿生产过程中必不可少的一道工序,具有促进发色、加快腌制、改善质构等作用。 烘烤
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农业科学 烘烤 With the best regression of two factors of temperature and relative humidity(RH),the relationship between tar content and curing condition in the yellowing stage of flue-cured tobacco was studied. 试验采用温湿度二因素回归最优设计,研究贵烟4号变黄阶段烘烤环境与烤后烟叶焦油含量的关系。 调制 In the process of flue-curing,amylase activity of three treatments increased slightly first,then decreased slowly,and till the color-fixing time increased again, which appeared the trend of "rise-reduce-rise". 调制过程中三个处理烟叶淀粉酶活性先缓慢升高,而后有所下降,至定色期时又上升,表现出升高~降低~升高的变化趋势。
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交通运输工程 养护 After the unification, the three elements are compacted to a high density. Loess-cement has certain mechanical strength and some other properties after a long curing period. 经过一段时间的养护,水泥黄土具有一定的力学强度和其它性能。 固化 硬化
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生物学 消除 The result show that after curing the plasmid, the strain cell cannot grow on the selective medium containing nitrobenzene. This result indicates that the plasmid relates to nitrobenzene degradation. 为了考察质粒的功能,进行了质粒消除实验,结果表明,质粒消除后的菌株细胞难以在硝基苯选择培养基上生长,表明这个质粒是与硝基苯的降解代谢过程有关的。 清除 自愈 固化 处理
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水利工程 养护 The results show that the mix proportion has good anti-crack properties,adding polypropylene fibre in the mix proportion can improve the anti-crack properties,a strict curing method can also benefit to the properties. 结果表明:优化设计的配合比有较好的抗裂能力,合理掺用纤维可以提高混凝土抗裂性能,严格而合理的养护对提高混凝土的抗裂性能有着重要的作用。
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We want to buy Epoxy Products, Curings Ais for Concrete, Sealr, Sealant, Joitn, Adhesives and Sealants. 我们要采购环氧基树脂产品,机构认可的混凝土,封条,密封剂,黏性物和密封剂。