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豆腐,黄豆 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Dried bean curd is one of the preferred non-fermented soy products, which is a kind of historical and cultural food in China. 茶干是非发酵豆制品的一种,具有历史和文化特色,是一种喜好性的食品。 - 2
Soy Sauce Powder Vinegar Powder Catsup Powder Squah Powder Preserved Bean Curd Powder, Pork Powder, Hvp Powder Chicken Powder, Seafood Powder, Spice Spices and Seasonings. 采购产品酱油粉,醋粉粉末保存豆腐粉,猪肉粉,鸡肉粉,海鲜粉,香料,香料及调味料。 - 3
My darling, look! I have cooked some delicacies for you: pig's ear cooked with five spice, pig's feet braised in soy sauce, bean curd in spicy sauce and preserved eggs! 亲爱的,你看,我为你准备了美味佳肴:卤猪耳朵、红烧猪蹄、麻婆豆腐,外加松花蛋。