释义 |
1 ?双链 ... open circular double strands DNA 释义:开式环状双股DNA分子 double strands 释义:双链,双线,双股 double-stranded 释义:双链,双股,双链的,双股的 ...
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Main compositions: double strands quaternary amine salt, solubilizing agent, softener and natural antibacterial essential oil. 主成份:新型无毒抗菌剂双链季胺盐、增溶剂、柔软剂、天然抗菌芳香精油。 - 2
RNA molecules form double stranded helices, just as do DNA molecules, by Watson Crick pairing of nucleotides on the two complementary strands of the helix. RNA分子能像DNA分子那样形成双链螺旋,通过沃森·克里克配对,两个螺旋的核苷链互补。 - 3
Structurally, DNA is composed of two strands that intertwine to form a spring-like structure called the double helix. 从结构上讲,DNA是由两条链相互缠绕构成弹簧状结构称为双螺旋。