

单词 Dreyfus affair
Dreyfus affair
  • 简明释义
  • 德雷福斯案事件
  • 网络释义
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    发生在十九世纪末的德雷福斯事件(Dreyfus Affair),让法国社会为一个小人物的罪与非罪争论了十二年。

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    在法国,德雷福斯案件(Dreyfus Affair)是知识分子登上历史舞台的标志性事件。1898年1月,法国着名作家左拉以《我控诉!

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    1894年的德莱弗斯事件(Dreyfus affair)只是加强了他的者姿态。

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    ”普鲁斯特的《逝水年华》所描述的德雷福事件(Dreyfus Affair)(德雷福是犹太人)前后的巴黎生活,这个时候的犹太人积极与居住国同化。

  • 权威例句
  • 1.

    More than a century on, the Dreyfus affair still holds important lessons about freedom, notably the fragility of basic liberties when national security is invoked.

    ECONOMIST: The Dreyfus affair: Pointing fingers | The

  • 2.

    But the Dreyfus affair often cut across political and religious lines.

    ECONOMIST: The Dreyfus affair

  • 3.

    Less noted, perhaps, is the retrenchment of Roman Catholicism in France from the aggressive political role it played as recently as the Dreyfus affair toward the inward-turning N.

    NEWYORKER: I, Nephi





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