释义 |
模具镀 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Therefore, the electroless plating is widely applied to many fields including reparation of worn workpieces, plastic die and mould, gear, gear-shafts, and ball cores of valves in petroleum, etc. 使化学镀在磨损零件修复、塑料模具、齿轮、齿轮轴、石油阀门球芯等方面得到良好的应用。 - 2
The best degree programs offer courses in metal forming, stone setting, etching, forging, patination, plating, lathe work, and die casting. 最好的学位项目设有金属成型、石头镶嵌、烛刻术、锻造术、生锈、电镀、车削加工和压模铸件课程。 - 3
Lost wax casting, Die casting and mould, CNC machining, ductile and grey iron cast, stamping. powder coating, plating, e-casting. 铝合金压铸,压铸模具,精密铸造,精密加工,翻砂铸造,球墨铸铁,灰口铸铁,冲压件,电镀,喷塑,电泳…