释义 |
1 ?珊瑚玛瑙 ... compound coral 复体珊瑚 coral agate 珊瑚玛瑙 coral anniversary 结婚35周年珊瑚婚 ...
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Bamboo's the most common material, but they are also be made of various types of wood, as well as plastic, porcelain, animal bone, ivory, metal, coral, agate, and jade. 竹子是最常见的材料,但它们也可以用各种各样的木材,以及塑料,瓷器,动物的骨头,象牙,金属,珊瑚,玛瑙,玉器等做成。 - 2
The stone used includes jade of many kinds such as emerald, coral, white jade, agate, rose quartz, etc. 所用玉石有很多种,如翡翠,珊瑚,白玉,玛瑙,石英石等。 - 3
Besides gold, diamond and jade that were displayed last ear, they have crystal, ivory, agate, red coral and other new items on display. 在去年的珠宝展会上,黄金、钻石、翡翠唱主角,而今年,展会还增加了水晶、红珊瑚、象牙、琥珀、玛瑙等多种珍贵饰品。