释义 |
- n.树丛,灌木丛:一片由小树、灌木组成的小型森林或林地。
1 ?小灌木林 ... copse = 小灌木林 copses = 小灌木林 copt = 哥普特人 ...
- 1
Bogutcharovo lay in a flat, ugly part of the country, covered with fields and copses of fir and birch-trees, in parts cut down. 博古恰罗沃村位于风景不优美的平坦地带,这里满布着田地、已被砍伐和未被砍伐的枞树林和桦树林。 - 2
Everything on this snug property was bright, thriving, and well kept; acres of glass houses stretched down the inclines to the copses at their feet. 在这块幽静舒适的地产上,一切都是光明的,兴旺的,管理得井井有条;占地几英亩的温室从山坡上延伸下去,一直到了山脚下的萌生林那儿。 - 3
Against the peaceful landscape, the pale, decaying tints of the copses, the blue air of the horizon, and the lichened stile-boards, these staring vermilion words shone forth. 映衬着宁静的风景、矮树林灰白的枯黄色调、天边的蔚蓝色空气和长满苔藓的栅栏木板,那些鲜红的大字闪闪发光。