...挖泥工程 英文名称: Construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Dredging work 页数: 8 采用标准: 被替代标准: 归口单位: 引用标准: 分类号: 发布日期: 实施日期: 起草单位: 中国...
This paper introduces briefly the revised parts and additional articles in the newly issued "Surveying Technical Specification for Dredgingwork".
To guarantee the safety of ships plying the river, dredgingwork was expected to ramp up, and more rescue vehicles may be put into operation this year.
The results of the research show that three-dimensional wall jet can improve the velocity of water near the wall greatly, so it is possible to apply to the actual dredgingwork in the pipeline.