释义 |
- n.衰落,堕落:道德、艺术、文化等方面的衰退或堕落。
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文学 颓废 Sentiment is both related to and distinctly different from such categories as romance,sadness,melancholy or decadence. 感伤与浪漫、悲、忧郁、颓废等既有联系,又有明显的区别。 病态 颓败 As we knew,the poetry in terminal of TangChao represented decadence and sadness emphatically,but SuTong's novels described decadence one side,on the other side,it embodied his fancy about decadence. Bcause,in his works,the south was a existence both decadence and charm. 晚唐诗歌着重表现颓靡感伤,苏童小说则一方面描写颓败,一方面又体现对这种颓败的痴迷,因为,在他的笔下,南方是一种腐败而充满魅力的存在。 衰落
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历史学 衰败 The chapter concludes that the interaction of the above results in the overall social decadence in northern Jiangsu province. 第一章,苏北地方社会的衰败。 衰落 The last chapter, "the Decadence of Monasticism". 第四章,修道院的衰落。
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