... v N p k v 脱吸脱吸脱脱吸吸 1 1 bp bp 1 b=k吸/k脱:吸附系数(adsorption coefficient) = / =已被吸附质覆盖的固体表面积/固体总表面积 :表面覆盖率(fraction of coverage): 已被吸质覆盖的固体表面积..
The adsorptioncoefficient and diffusion coefficient of pure component for five component simulated gasoline in PEG membrane can be regressed from sorption experiment.
It is precisely because the difference between adsorptioncoefficient and diffusion coefficient provides a theoretical basis for the gasoline desulphurization by PEG membrane.
Adsorption model for TP mass transfer with XDA-1 resins was set up and the height of mass transfer zone and total mass transfer coefficient in different operation conditions were calculated.