释义 |
1 ?迪尔多夫 迪尔多夫(Deardorff)方案: 大气边界层高度 的预报方程为: 大气边界层顶 湍流扩散系数 (9.77) 是某水平位置上边界层顶的垂直速度 ? 右端第二项表示... 2 ?尔多夫 迭尔多夫(Deardorff)指出,即使在关税和运送成本存在的事情状况下,资源禀赋理论毅然有很强的使心服力。 3 ?名字 ... 所属州: VA 名字: Deardorff 姓: M ...
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Deardorff suggested focusing on other links, such as the higher BMI and its association with earlier puberty. 而Deardorff则建议关注其他的关联关系,例如较高的BMI与早熟之间的联系。 - 2
For their study, published Sept. 17 in the Journal of Adolescent Health, Deardorff and her colleagues followed 444 girls, aged 6 to 8 at the start, and their mothers. 该项研究的成果发表在9月17日的《青少年健康》杂志上(Journal of Adolescent Health),Deardorff和她的同事追踪了444个初始年龄在6至8岁的女孩和她们的母亲。 - 3
"In higher-income families, father absence predicted earlier puberty, but it did not in lower-income, father-absent (households)," said study leader Julianna Deardorff. 研究的主要负责人Julianna Deardorff认为,“在高收入家庭,父爱缺失往往意味着更早进入青春期,但这种想象在低收入单亲家庭并不常见。”