释义 |
1 [生化]?铜蛋白 ... determinant - 决定簇;决定子[用于胚胎学]; copper protein - 铜蛋白 gene bank - 基因库; 基因文库;基因文库 ... 2 ?铜蛋白质 铜蛋白质(copper protein) 鞭状体flagellum 孢子体不亲和性sporophytic incompatibi-lity .. 3 ?铜蓝蛋白 ...素-2受体及C反应蛋白和铜蓝蛋白的水平变化 in-2 receptor,IL-2R)、C反应蛋白(C reactive protein,CRP)和铜蓝蛋白(copper protein,CP)在急性期川崎病(Kawasaki disease, KD)患儿的变化规律,探讨三者对评估KD治疗效果..
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An excellent source of protein, quinoa isalso high in bone-boosting minerals like copper, phosphorous, iron, andmagnesium. Plus, it’s a good source of PMS-fighting manganese. 是蛋白质的很好来源,也可提供强健骨骼的铜、磷、铁、镁等多种微量元素,还含有防治经前综合征的锰。 - 2
Several types of human cell are susceptible to the resurrected virus, and the human version of the copper-transporter protein is identical to that of chimpanzees. 几种类型的人类细胞很容易受重新复活的病毒的影响,并且人类的铜分子传输蛋白和黑猩猩和一样的。 - 3
Of interest would be the edamame, which is packed with dietary fiber, iron, protein, phosphorus, thiamin and copper, and a very good source of folate, Vitamin K and manganese. 至于为什么会选毛豆,那是因为毛豆富含食物纤维,铁,蛋白质,磷,维素B1和铜,它还是很好的叶酸,维生素K与锰的来源。