释义 |
- v.共同组织:两个或多个组织或个人共同策划、安排和实施某个活动或项目。
1 ?鹊桥相会 ... 客人们同意这个价格吗 ? Visitors agree to this price? 鹊桥相会 ? Co-organised 寻爱的男孩 ? Finding Apollo ...
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Last year, he co-organised a conference (in Atlanta, a city that calls itself “too busy to hate”) that was provocatively devoted to the “Celebration of Heresy”. 去年,那依姆教授在自诩为“忙得不可能去怨恨”的城市亚特兰大参与组织了一次学术会议。 该会议极具渲染力地致力于“异端的欢庆”。 - 2
This workshop is co-organised with East Asian Institute (EAI), National University of Singapore (NUS), with Professor Zheng Yongnian, Director of EAI as the consultant. 新加坡国立大学东亚研究所是论坛的协办机构,东亚研究所所长郑永年先生是本论坛的顾问。 - 3
For our caveman, the big food prizes were much larger and stronger than him, so he organised himself into co- operative groups with others to form a hunting pack. 对男性的远古祖先来说,要猎取的食物往往比其自身更庞大更强壮,所以他需要让自己和其他人一起加入到合作团队中,成群结队地狩猎。