释义 |
- 开支票:在银行账户上签署并填写一张支票,以便将一定数额的钱支付给某人或某机构。
1 ?开一张支票 ... discover check(象棋中)移动一子以将对方的军 draw a check开一张支票 hold in check抑制, 约束, 制止, 牵制 ...
- 1
Since we do have Citibank in US, you may draw a check from this bank. You may draw check for any amount. 花旗银行在美国有分支机构,客户可以向花旗银行申请开具支票,支票的额度不受限制。 - 2
Nor the number of times the same amount of money in a bank may be checked against, if I pay you back with a check and you deposit it in the same bank and draw against it again. 如果我用支票偿还这10美元,而你从同一家银行将其兑现,则同样一笔钱在银行中通过支票兑现的次数与财富的数量也没有联系。 - 3
Son to find ah, ah, every time he met a horse, with the horse on the pattern to check carefully, take a look at and draw the book features are consistent. 儿子找啊,找啊,他每遇到一匹马,都拿《马经》上的图样来仔细核对,看看与书上画的特征是否相符。