... 黄瓜 cucumber; Cucumis sativus 露地栽培culture in the open; production in open 户外栽培,露地栽培 outdoor cultivation ...
There's a stigma in our culture about discussing money, but the mere mention of our project prompted friends, neighbors, and even strangers to really open up, mostly about how cheap they secretly are.
'Art intheopen' will expose winning contributors' work to millions of users worldwide and is a demonstration of the energy, quality and power of the open culture.
“开源艺术(Art in theOpen)”会将胜出的贡献者的作品展示给数以百万计的用户,这是一个开源文化的有活力、高品质的强力演示。
It's an open question whether the academic culture of the humanities will get on board in a significant way.