释义 |
1 ?文化距离 根据上述因子可知:文化乃心理距离的重要肇因来源;换言,文化距离(culture distance)即形成厂商对母国与特定地主国间之心理距离,并为厂商海外据点决策的之 重要考量因素之一,换言,厂商会倾向于选择文化距离较近之... 2 ?文化差异 跨国并购的文化差异(Culture Distance)对主并企业是既有利又有弊的:一方面,文化差异作为不确定性的源泉,需要企业花费高额成本来增强文化整合,并且文化距离太大会导致不...
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This dissertation discusses, within the framework of Acculturation Model' theory, the correlation between nationality, culture distance, SLA level, attitude and motivation. 本研究在第二语言习得“文化适应假说”理论框架下,探讨了国籍、文化距离、习得水平与态度、动机的关系。 - 2
But with this culture of ever greater accessibility, ever greater involvement and engagement, it's far easier for those essential boundaries, that distance, to be eroded. 但是这种文化的更多的易得性(邮件和短信号码),混乱性和束缚性,使得那些必要的界线和距离,变得更容易被侵蚀。 - 3
In international adoption, a buffer of distance, language, culture, and class exists between the adoptive parents and the birth parents, and, to be honest, that was one of the things I liked about it. 而在跨国收养中,收养父母和生身父母之间存在着距离、语言、文化和社会阶层等等的巨大差异,老实说,这也正是我所希望的。