释义 |
空间坐标 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
And I showed you last day that this is one case where trying to go in a Cartesian space makes sense, m indicates the three principle coordinate directions. 而昨天我向你们讲过,这种种情况下,如果用笛卡尔坐标系描述是有意义的,等于1,0,和,- 1,时,m, equals, one, zero, and, minus, one,说明这三个原理其实性质是相同的。 - 2
When we do triple integrals in space, well, it is the same kind of story, except now we have, of course, more coordinate systems. 做三重积分,和二重一样,当然,我们会有更多的坐标系。 - 3
The original texture coordinate and height values are already represented in tangent space, so the eye vector must be as well. 原始的材质贴图坐标和高度数据已经在切线空间中了,因此视向量最好也能如此。