释义 |
1 [核]?冷却周期 ... cooling oil 冷却油 cooling period 冷却周期;放射性衰减周期 cooling pit 冷却坑,冷却阱 ... 2 ?冷却期 连环犯罪系有冷却期(cooling period)的~就是犯完案,有一小短时期会停些,然后再来! 3 ?冷静期 ...,也就是多种先决条件要求双方一步一步去满足才最后启动仲裁程序,其目的之一就是希望双方先去经过一个冷静期(cooling period),在失败后再以仲裁解决。
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It is followed by a cooling period, known as La Nina. 在其过后迎来了一个降温过程,就是我们所知的拉尼娜现象。 - 2
The results indicate that in recent 50 years, the annual mean soil temperature experienced a cooling period, a relative cold period and a warming period. 结果表明,近50年,全国年平均地温的年代际变化特征大致可分为下降阶段,相对气候冷期及上升阶段。 - 3
But in concrete construction to operation of the cooling period by the highest temperature stability temperature, often in concrete caused considerable internal pull stress. 但是在施工中混凝土由最高温度冷却到运转时期的稳定温度,往往在混凝土内部引起相当大的拉应力。