释义 |
- 浴室清洁剂:一种用于清洁浴室表面的清洁产品,可以去除污垢、水垢和肥皂残留。
1 ?浴室清洁剂 ... 高级家私保养蜡Senior furniture maintenance wax 浴室清洁剂Bathroom Cleaner 强力除油剂Powerful Degreaser ...
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For the shower, again, if you keep it clean, you don’t need to use anything too harsh. Just a regular bathroom cleaner will work, if you’re cleaning it every 2-3 days. 关于沐浴喷头,如果你保持了它的清洁,比如每2-3天洗洗,它就不需要用什么特别的护理啦,普通的浴室清洗用品就会保持它的清洁.你只需要每次洗浴前或者洗浴的时候用水淋一下它,然后擦擦就可以了.只要几秒钟,你就可以保持你的喷头的干净. - 2
Try storing all purpose cleaner, glass cleaner, a cloth, paper towels and an old toothbrush under each sink. You never have to leave the bathroom to get the supplies you need to clean it with. 把万能清洁剂,玻璃清洁剂,抹布,纸巾,旧牙刷放到每个洗涤槽下面,这样淋浴后,清洁浴室就能找到储备的清洁用具,马上开始。 - 3
In the bathroom: spray toilets, sinks and bathtubs with cleaner and let them sit. 卫生间内:用清洁剂冲刷马桶,水池和浴缸,让它们这样静置一会儿。