释义 |
1 ?白云石水泥 ... ferroan dolomite 含铁白云石,富铁白云... dolomite cement 白云石水泥 dolomite limestone 白云石质石灰石,白云...
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In this paper, the effects of calcination temperature, holding time and content of dolomite on the strength and expansion rate of cement mixed with calcined dolomite are investigated. 研究了白云石的煅烧温度、保温时间以及掺量等对水泥物理性能和膨胀行为的影响规律。 - 2
Carbonate cement is universally more than 10% in sandstones of the upper Yungang formation in Yungang Grottoes area. It's mainly composed of ferriferous calcite and ferriferous dolomite. 云冈石窟地区云冈组上段砂岩中碳酸盐胶结物的含量普遍在10%以上,其主要矿物成分为含铁方解石和含铁白云石。 - 3
As cement, authigenic mineral or vein, dawsonite is found not only in Marine dolomite and oil shale, but also in terrigenous fragmentary rock and coal measures. 片钠铝石作为胶结物、自生矿物或脉体,不仅分布在海相白云岩、油页岩中,而且还广泛分布在陆源碎屑岩及煤系地层中。