释义 |
1 ?死灰尘 ... deactivation 去活化 dead ash 死灰尘 dead band 不灵敏区 ...
- 1
"He's dead, Ash," I said. - 2
The pneumatic vibrative bag type dust remover has high ash removing efficiency, uniform ash removal, and no dead angles, and can realize automatic dust removal and ash removal. 这种除尘器清灰效率高,且均匀无死角,并可实现自动化除尘清灰。 - 3
"Dead silkworm silk ended. candles burn into ash still" this is the most true portraiture of you, thank you, teach us knowledge, thank you for helping us paved the multicolored life. “春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干”这是对您最真实的写照,谢谢您!老师,教我们知识,谢谢您!老师,帮我们铺就人生的五彩石。