释义 |
1 ?神的医治 神的医治(Divine Healing),指祷告求神的医治, 不但有果效,而且有 2 ?属天的医治 后来,他再将该书以法文和英文出版,重点强调信心医病,并易书名为《属天的医治》(Divine Healing)。 3 ?神圣医病 罗拔士果然开始有了「神圣医病(divine healing)的能力,因此就在教会中进行祷告医病服事,从此各地信徒像潮水一般涌向这家教会,教会每个主日都大爆满,于是他做了一个大胆的决...
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I cried out to God earnestly for his divine healing, I told him I must get the divine healing manifested on me today! 我切切地呼求神的医治,渴望祂医治的大能今天就彰显在我的身上! - 2
By seeing and feeling the spark of the divine in someone, it became awake and it was their divine essence that performed the healing, not I. 通过看到并感受到他人内在的神圣闪光,他就开始觉醒并且是他们的神圣本质完成了疗愈,不是我。 - 3
You will know that the key to enlightenment is acknowledging that you are a divine being whose human journey is a divine purpose of healing, learning, transformation and ascension. 你将会知道觉悟的关键就是认同你是一个神圣的存在,他人类旅程的神圣目的是疗愈,学习,转变和扬升。