释义 |
1 ?双子叶植物 在双子叶植物(Dicotyledonous Plant)中,形成木质部(Xylem)及韧皮部(Phloem)
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The phylogenetic analysis from 22 kinds of plant BADHs indicated the larger variability in the dicotyledonous plants, one group in the Gramineae plants including BADH genes form E. 分子进化分析表明,22个BADH基因由同一基因进化成五个类群,双子叶植物进化变异较大; - 2
The sweet potato is a dicotyledonous plant which is cultivated widely in the tropical and subtropical regions and can be used for the human food, animal feed and industrial raw materials. 甘薯是广泛栽培于热带、亚热带地区的一种杂粮作物,可作粮食、饲料和工业原料。 - 3
It reserves a high homo- logy between rice, monocotyledonous plant and tobacco, dicotyledonous. 在单子叶的水稻和双子叶的烟草之间该基因有很高的同源性。