释义 |
1 ?存出准备 ... Deposit book 存款簿;存折 Deposited reserve 存出准备 Deposit money 押租 ... 2 ?存储备金 ... deposited reserve 存出准备金; 存储备金 deposited resistor 沉积电阻器 deposited seat 堆焊(阀)座; 堆焊座 ... 3 [金融]?存出准备金 ... 存储,放下,置下 deposit 存出准备金 deposited reserve 存储的法语:mémorisation ...
- 1
Interest has been decreased successively, deposited reserve has also been lowered, and rediscount and reloan from PBC has been enlarged, etc. 如连续降低存贷款利率,调低商业银行存款准备金率,灵活运用窗口指导政策、扩大再贴现和中央银行再贷款规模等。 - 2
He calls up the Federal Reserve, which is our central bank and like magic, dollars are created and deposited in Banks all around America. 他给美联储,美国的央行打个电话,银行就奇迹般的堆满了新造的美元。 - 3
He calls up the Federal Reserve, which is our Central bank, and like magic, Dollars are created and deposited into Banks all around America. 他通知美国联准会,也就是我们的中央银行,然后就像是魔术一般,美金被生产出来存到全美国的银行。