释义 |
1 ?徒刑监狱 ... 徒刑,下狱,坐牢,禁锢 imprisonment 徒刑监狱。 convict prison 徒刑制度 convict system ... 2 ?囚犯监狱 ... 囚犯室 cellblock 囚犯监狱 convict prison 在监狱中工作,在这(那)所监狱中 in the prison ...
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Cool Hand Luke was a powerhouse prison saga, casting Newman as the rambunctious convict turned Christ-like martyr. 《铁窗喋血》(Cool Hand Luke, 1967)是一部监狱传奇,纽曼饰演的角色从一个吵闹的罪犯转变为殉道者。 - 2
Finally the young man revealed that he was a paroled convict returning from a distant prison. 最后这个年轻人吐露了实情,他是个获得假释的犯人,刚刚从服刑监狱回来。 - 3
In the months after the trial, Smalls helped convict 21 more associates, for a total of over 300 years in prison. 在这次审讯后的几个月里,斯莫又促成了21名共犯被定罪,总刑期超过了300年。