释义 |
1 ?输送机式分级机 ... 束捆:tie in 输送机式分级机:conveyor separator 输送机拉紧滚筒:conveyor idler pulley ...
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When the iron conveyor belt, metal detector to signal separator, which produces strong magnetic iron, iron will suck it up. 当输送带中有铁件时,金属探测器发信号给除铁器,使除铁器中产生强磁,将铁件吸上来。 - 2
Host plant selection based on the calculation, the workshop focused on calculating the required equipment, including cement mill, dust collector, separator, elevator, screw conveyor and so on. 根据全厂主机选型的计算,进行重点车间所需要的设备计算,主要包括水泥磨、收尘器、选粉机、提升机、螺旋输送机等。 - 3
When the separator is filled with product, the vacuum pump switches off, inside of the vacuum conveyor the pressure is balanced to surrounding area with tenth of a second. 料仓充满物料时,真空泵自动关闭,输送设备内的压力达到平衡。