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乐队,警卫 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Madison, US: a marching band member entertains the Wisconsin National Guard, who are bound for Iraq. 美国,麦迪逊:威斯康辛州国民警卫队将赴伊拉克,行军乐队正为他们打气。 - 2
The ceremonial dress uniforms are intended for officers army band and honour guard. the uniforms consist of a service cap coat trousers shirt tie socks shoes etc. 礼服配发给军官,军乐队和仪仗队。服装包括帽子,外套,裤子,衬衫,领带,袜子,鞋等。 - 3
The ceremonial dress uniforms are intended for officers, army band, and honour guard.