释义 |
conversion, transformation 转换,转换 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Use message flows only for performing mediation activities like transformation, translation, protocol conversion, message enrichment, and routing. 仅将消息流用于执行转换、翻译、协议转换、消息充实和路由等中介活动。 - 2
An important factor in the popularity of a hybrid approach is the conversion and transformation capabilities of ESB products. 混合方法得以流行的一个重要因素是ESB产品的转换和变换功能。 - 3
Unlike in the related, and perhaps more familiar, CAST specification, there is no conversion, truncation, or other transformation involved in TREAT. 与相关且可能相似的CAST不同,在TREAT中不涉及转换、截断或其他变换。